Welcome to Mary K. Goode Elementary School
About Us
Mission Statement
The Mary K. Goode Elementary School is committed to educating all children in a safe, collaborative, academically challenging and socially conscious environment where diversity is celebrated, respect is paramount and the needs, integrity and differences of each child are met as we develop life-long learners and productive global citizens.
Core Beliefs and Values
We believe in the development of critical thinking, cooperative learning, collaboration and problem solving skills provided in a risk-free environment through the use of innovative and authentic learning experiences.
We value our commitment to educational excellence while providing a safe and secure environment that supports teaching and learning.
We believe the safety and education of our children is the most important responsibility of our community and requires a partnership between family, school and community to maximize the potential of all learners.
We value the importance of educating all children by creating partnerships between family, school and community in order to maximize the potential of all learners.
We believe in teaching and guiding Mary K. Goode students to be responsible, culturally aware and contributors to the betterment of the global community.
News & Events
Middleborough Public Schools and St. Vincent de Paul’s Giving Tree program collected nearly 400 gifts this holiday season, spreading joy and supporting families in need.
As seen in our district report card and other data, students in high-needs categories are not making as much progress in growth and achievement as their peers.
To address these inequities, we have a multifaceted plan including targeted professional development and training for educators needing SEI endorsement.
This aligns with our strategic plan priority goals 1 and 2.
This Spring, Middleborough Public Schools will administer state-mandated assessments. The state MCAS tests include ELA and Math for grades 3-8 and grade 10. Grades 5 and 8 will take the Science MCAS and grade 10 will take the Biology MCAS.
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new, free MPY Parenting Solutions Library. MPY is offering the MPY Parenting Solutions Library in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Connecticut.
Click for the three calendar proposals that we will be presented to the School Committee.
Thank you students, staff, and families for cheering on the 1st graders during the annual 1st Grade Macy's Parade.
Mary K. Goode Elementary School Calendar
The mission of the Middleborough Public Schools is to foster a culture of excellence within every student, in every classroom, every day.